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Creators: Script by Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray Art by Jesús Saiz Description: The Countdown to the end is on! Karate Kid battles Equus! Jimmy Olsen visits Infinity Inc. #34 by Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Jesús Saiz, #33 by Adam Beechen & Carlos Magno, #32 by Tony Bedard & Al Barrionuevo, #31 by Sean McKeever & Manuel Garcia. Plus, more DC Villains backup origin stories by Scott Beatty. Kyle Rayner joins the Challengers from Beyond. Mary Marvel falls under the spell of Eclipso. COUNTDOWN SET (#34-31) - Creators: Story by Paul Dini / Breakdowns by Keith Giffen Description: Karate Kid battles Equus.

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SUPERMAN SET (4) - Description: Soar into adventure with this set that includes Action Comics #856, Superman #667, Superman Confidential #8, and Superman/Batman #40. DC Comics BATMAN SET (8) - Description: Join forces with the Caped Crusader with this set that includes All Star Batman & Robin the Boy Wonder #7, Batman #669, Batman/Lobo: Deadly Serious #2, Batman Confidential #9, Detective Comics #836, Nightwing #136, Catwoman #71, and Robin #166.

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